Management of co-owned properties
The administrator is a natural or legal person who is mandated by the general assembly of the community of co-owners (i.e. all co-owners of the building). Adagi administers several co-owned properties and condominiums in Central Valais. We are in charge of the administration of the common areas, in accordance with the Code of Obligations and the Rules of Administration and Use of the co-owned property and condominiums. Together with the building committee (a group of elected co-owners), we are responsible to our clients for the proper management of the building.
As the administrator of the co-owned property, we are authorised to:
- establish and keep up to date the list of co-owners and the lots they own
- convene a general assembly of co-owners at least once a year
- draw up the minutes of the general assembly and send them to the various owners
- carry out the decisions taken by the assembly
- keep the building’s accounts and allocate the expenses to each co-owner according to the applicable breakdowns
- draw up the budget for each financial period
- ensure the building is properly looked after and maintained
- sign all contracts necessary for the proper functioning of the co-owned property
- insure the building
- employ staff on behalf of the collective ownership